Biofeedback Assessment for Older People with Balance Impairment using a Low-Cost Balance Board

Worasak Rueangsirarak, Chayuti Mekurai, Hubert P. H. Shum, Surapong Uttama, Roungsan Chaisricharoen and Kitchana Kaewkaen
Proceedings of the 2017 Global Wireless Summit (GWS), 2017

Biofeedback Assessment for Older People with Balance Impairment using a Low-Cost Balance Board


This paper studies the feasibility of using a low-cost game device called Wii Fit Balance Board® to measure the static balance of older people for diagnosing a balance impairment, which is caused by muscle weakness in stroke patients. Sixty participants were invited to attend the risk assessment that included a clinical test. Four biofeedback testing patterns were tested with the participants. Two machine learning algorithms were selected to experiment using 10-fold cross validation scenario. The results show that Artificial Neuron Network has the best evaluation performance of 86.67%, 80%, and 80% in three out of four biofeedback testing patterns. This demonstrates that the application of static balance measurement together with Wii Fit Balance Board® could be implemented as a tool to replace high-cost force plate systems.



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Worasak Rueangsirarak, Chayuti Mekurai, Hubert P. H. Shum, Surapong Uttama, Roungsan Chaisricharoen and Kitchana Kaewkaen, "Biofeedback Assessment for Older People with Balance Impairment using a Low-Cost Balance Board," in GWS '17: Proceedings of the 2017 Global Wireless Summit, pp. 64-69, Cape Town, South Africa, Oct 2017.


 author={Rueangsirarak, Worasak and Mekurai, Chayuti and Shum, Hubert P. H. and Uttama, Surapong and Chaisricharoen, Roungsan and Kaewkaen, Kitchana},
 booktitle={Proceedings of the 2017 Global Wireless Summit},
 series={GWS '17},
 title={Biofeedback Assessment for Older People with Balance Impairment using a Low-Cost Balance Board},
 location={Cape Town, South Africa},


AU  - Rueangsirarak, Worasak
AU  - Mekurai, Chayuti
AU  - Shum, Hubert P. H.
AU  - Uttama, Surapong
AU  - Chaisricharoen, Roungsan
AU  - Kaewkaen, Kitchana
T2  - Proceedings of the 2017 Global Wireless Summit
TI  - Biofeedback Assessment for Older People with Balance Impairment using a Low-Cost Balance Board
PY  - 2017
Y1  - 10 2017
SP  - 64
EP  - 69
DO  - 10.1109/GWS.2017.8300483
ER  - 

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