D-FOCUS: Drone-FOrmation Control for countering future Unmanned aerial Systems
Defence and Security Accelerator

Defence and Security Accelerator
Funding Source: The Ministry of Defence (DASA), UK
Reference Number: DSTLX-1000140725, ACC6007422
Value: £124,901
2019 - 2020

About the Project

  • Tackled defence and security concerns on malicious unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) through the research and development of an innovative counter-UAV system using multiple drones.
  • Supported a collaborative research project with Prof. Subramanian Ramamoorthy from the University of Edinburgh, Dr He Wang from the University of Leeds, and the industry partner DroneLab.
  • Supported the recruitment of a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Dr John Hartley and the cost of equipment.
  • 1 out of 3 universities, together with the University of Cambridge and University College London, awared in this call.





Formation Control for UAVs Using a Flux Guided Approach
Formation Control for UAVs Using a Flux Guided Approach  Impact Factor: 7.5 Top 25% Journal in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), 2022
John Hartley, Hubert P. H. Shum, Edmond S. L. Ho, He Wang and Subramanian Ramamoorthy
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Last updated on 14 July 2024
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