Impact Factor: 11.6† Top 10% Journal in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence†
This special edition of the International Journal of Computer Vision is devoted to a selection of the best papers submitted to the 2018 British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) held at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. This year, BMVC attracted a total of 862 full paper submissions, which is the highest number in the history of BMVC. Papers were assigned to Area Chairs (AC) and reviewers based on both AC and reviewer biddings on papers, CMTsubject areas, and the Toronto Paper Matching System (TPMS) publication history. There were 426 reviewers and 52 area chairs involved in this process, generously donating their time. Every paper was handled by two ACs and each received just over three reviews on average. Of the 862 submissions, just 255 were accepted for presentation in BMVC 2018, which is a 29.5% acceptance rate. Of the accepted papers, 37 were accepted as oral. Based on the reviewers’ reports of the papers and feedback obtained at the conference, we invited the authors of 14 papers to submit extended versions to this Special Issue. These were subjected to the rigorous review process of IJCV, and resulted in 8 accepted papers.