Dr Zhiguang Liu

City University of Hong Kong
PhD (Co-supervised with Dr Howard Leung)
, 2013 - 2016

City University of Hong Kong
, Hong Kong
  • Research topic: High quality compatible triangulations with inconsistent rotation and shape self-occlusion enhancement for planar shape morphing
  • Became a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in INRIA, France.


Grants Involved

Publications with the Team

High-Quality Compatible Triangulations and Their Application in Interactive Animation
High-Quality Compatible Triangulations and Their Application in Interactive Animation  Impact Factor: 2.5
Computers and Graphics (C&G), 2018
Zhiguang Liu, Liuyang Zhou, Howard Leung and Hubert P. H. Shum
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High Quality Compatible Triangulations for Planar Shape Animation
High Quality Compatible Triangulations for Planar Shape Animation
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Workshop on Data-Driven Animation Techniques (D2AT), 2017
Zhiguang Liu, Howard Leung, Liuyang Zhou, Franck Multon and Hubert P. H. Shum
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Kinect Posture Reconstruction Based on a Local Mixture of Gaussian Process Models
Kinect Posture Reconstruction Based on a Local Mixture of Gaussian Process Models REF 2021 Submitted Output Impact Factor: 4.7 Top 25% Journal in Computer Science, Software Engineering Citation: 63#
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2016
Zhiguang Liu, Liuyang Zhou, Howard Leung and Hubert P. H. Shum
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An Interactive Human Morphing System with Self-Occlusion Enhancement
An Interactive Human Morphing System with Self-Occlusion Enhancement  Best Poster Award
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG) Posters, 2016
Zhiguang Liu, Howard Leung and Hubert P. H. Shum
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High Quality Compatible Triangulations for 2D Shape Morphing
High Quality Compatible Triangulations for 2D Shape Morphing  Core A Conference Citation: 14#
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2015
Zhiguang Liu, Howard Leung, Liuyang Zhou and Hubert P. H. Shum
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Posture Reconstruction Using Kinect with a Probabilistic Model
Posture Reconstruction Using Kinect with a Probabilistic Model  Core A Conference Citation: 33#
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2014
Liuyang Zhou, Zhiguang Liu, Howard Leung and Hubert P. H. Shum
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